If you've ever used an Android device or a jailbroken iPhone with the LockDroid tweak, you know the joy of unlocking your phone with a drawing instead of typing a passcode. Unfortunately, most tweaks that allow for drawing (or even playing piano) to unlock your phone are no longer compatible with modern iOS versions like iOS 15 or 16. But there's one exciting exception: Doodle.

Developers ETHN and MTAC have revived the trend with a new jailbreak tweak called Doodle. Doodle allows you to set a specific drawing as your passcode, enabling you to unlock your iPhone by "signing" with your fingertip, as close as possible to the original drawing. Doodle is specifically designed to support the latest jailbreaks on iOS 14, 15, and 16, including rootless jailbreaks like Dopamine and palera1n.

After installation, a failed Touch ID or Face ID attempt will no longer lead to the numeric keypad, but instead to a drawing surface. It's a more enjoyable experience. What sets Doodle apart from other tweaks is that the drawing is completely freeform. This makes it much harder to "steal" than a PIN code, for example. It's also much more stylish.

Once installed, Doodle adds a dedicated preference panel to the Settings app where you can configure several options to your liking, including tolerance levels for drawing recognition. These settings are crucial since it's unlikely you'll be able to recreate the exact same drawing every time. Even your own signature often varies from one document to another.

While we wait for Apple to integrate this feature by default in iOS, perhaps with iOS 19 (iOS 18 beta won't offer such developments), Doodle is the solution.

To try out the Doodle tweak, you'll need to pay $1.49 on the Havoc repository through your preferred package manager, such as Cydia, Sileo, or Installer. The tweak only supports jailbroken iOS 14, 15, and 16 devices.

You can add this repo via https://havoc.app/